How to Correctly Apply to Lease a Property in Western Australia
Searching for your home can be stressful at times, and the process of applying can be even more so. Each website has a different process as to how to fill out your information and apply, we understand that sometimes this can be confusing.
In this article I am going to provide a step-by-step tutorial in how to apply for a property through our Leasing Elite website.
This will include, how to view our available properties, where to go to apply and how to apply also what the property managers require from you to make your application a successful one and stand out from the rest of the competition.
Step 1. Once on our website, head over to the ‘For Lease’ tab on the top left-hand side of the page, see image below for reference.
Step 2. Once you have clicked on the ‘for lease’ tab, it will bring up a page with our available rentals, from this point you would need to scroll to find the house/apartment you are looking to apply for and once located, click on the property. (The property that I am using as an example is under application, if the property is still available it will display $###/week)
Step 3. You should now be on the page displaying details of the property, this will include a write up of what this property offers, including features and the location. It will also show you how many bedrooms, bathrooms, and car bays it has, including providing you with the information of whether the property comes furnished or unfurnished.
Just below the information of how many bedrooms and bathrooms there are (where the black arrow is located) you can scroll down and locate our ‘Submit Application’ portal, this will take you onto the next part of providing all your details and information.
It looks like this:
Step 4. Once you have been transferred to our application portal, it will display numerous boxes that will need to be filled in with your personal information.
If you are applying for more than one person to lease the property, be sure that all information for each applicant is provided in the separate applicant sections. If there is going to be occupants (known to be living at the property but not on the lease or held liable for any sort of damages), please be sure you fill out their details in the Occupant section.
All applicants must be sure to be provide, 2 forms of ID, this could be either a passport, drivers license or a bankcard and a proof of income form, this can be a pay slip, bank statement or tax return.
This can all be provided by PDF or JPG files by uploading them through this box on the application from:
You will also be required to provide 3 references:
Personal reference, someone who you have known longer than a year (preferably not a family member, but a close friend).
Business reference, someone who you work with that can confirm your employment and income.
Rental reference, an agent that can confirm you have rented with them before and can provide us with details of your previous tenant history, e.g. property condition details.
If you do not have previous rental history and have owned your own home before renting, then we require that you provide a land tax or rates notice as a proof of ownership.
If an occupant is over the age of 18, they will be required to provide 1 form of ID, this could be either a passport, driver’s license or a bank card.
Please also be sure to correctly fill out how long you wish to reside at your elected property for and how much you will be paying in rent weekly.
Why do we need this information?
When we go through the process of moving someone into a property, it is imperative that we know who this person is, what they do, what is their previous rentals like and/or how did they care for them, do they have a sufficient and consistent income to afford the property. This information allows the landlord to learn about YOU, and see if you’re the best candidate for their property.
Step 5. When you have finished filling out all relevant details, you can tick the privacy box once you have read the statement and then click submit, this will send off your application to our receptionist who will then process your application (checking references and making sure you have provided all relevant information), they will then pass this onto the property manager and present to owners.
This process can take up to 48hours If you have provided everything required before you submit your application.
We hope this guide helps you in applying for any future properties through Leasing Elite.