
Applying for a rental with your Furry Friend
Carmen Watts Carmen Watts

Applying for a rental with your Furry Friend

To describe the WA rental market as “competitive” at present would be an understatement, with Perth’s vacancy rates sitting at 0.4% in September 2022. With vacancies so low landlords have their pick of applications, and this puts pressure on those of us with a furry friend as not all properties are suitable for pets, and…

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How to Correctly Apply to Lease a Property in Western Australia
Guest User Guest User

How to Correctly Apply to Lease a Property in Western Australia

Searching for your home can be stressful at times, and the process of applying can be even more so. Each website has a different process as to how to fill out your information and apply, we understand that sometimes this can be confusing. In this article I am going to provide a step-by-step tutorial in…

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How to select the best property manager for your home?
Guest User Guest User

How to select the best property manager for your home?

It is common when searching for a management company for your property to be focused on fees, however we suggest it is wise to look at the overall situation and real estate company structure, ethos, and reputation before making a final decision. Your property could be your own personal residence which could be the biggest…

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Spring Newsletter
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Spring Newsletter

We are all delighted to see the wet and cold months passing and we can spread our wings and enjoy with warmth and sunshine again. We have reminded tenants that reticulation must be turned on again with the specific 2 days per week allotted to each property. Its already projected to be 29c next week…

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Big trend in downsizing
Guest User Guest User

Big trend in downsizing

In Australia (particularly Western Australia) it is common to downsize from our large family home. In other countries this is not a trend, people tend to live in their home forever. I suggest this is partly because homes there are traditionally smaller, on smaller blocks or tend to be an apartment. Here we must deal…

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