Leasing Elite wish to protect the privacy of those who visit our web site and furthermore any information you provide is kept strictly confidential. The content of our customer database is not available to third parties with the exception of third party suppliers who are working on behalf of Leasing Elite in the operation of our business.

An individual is not identified on our web site unless he or she voluntarily gives us personal identification online. If you provide us with information about your identity, Leasing Elite may use this information to respond to your query.

Your personal information will not be sold or disclosed to any other unaffiliated third party or for independent marketing purposes without your consent. The information provided by you will be used for the purpose of the property management business carried on by Leasing Elite, a purpose required, authorised or permitted by law or a purpose otherwise authorised by you.

Should you wish to access or correct any information we collect from you, please phone or email our office.